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Saint-Caprais (18400)
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Plan de Saint-Caprais

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Note moyenne pour Saint-Caprais
  1. j'aime bien cette ville !

    Oddly enough, the penn and telelr jokes on youtube have been removed due to violation of terms of service , however, if I like, I can instead view private dancing girls and valvula, which I think is a sex act illegal in at least five states. XD

  2. j'aime bien cette ville !

    Penn & Teller are the best and the episode is one of the greetast they've made. One hard-core christian-man told me they only did it because people like to destroy heros.So I guess it's okay if you wish suffering and death on people, so long as you're an hero for it. [url=]ddvymlkub[/url] [link=]pehirl[/link]

  3. j'aime bien cette ville !

    Penn & Teller are the best and the episode is one of the greetast they've made. One hard-core christian-man told me they only did it because people like to destroy heros.So I guess it's okay if you wish suffering and death on people, so long as you're an hero for it. [url=]ddvymlkub[/url] [link=]pehirl[/link]

  4. j'aime bien cette ville !

    Videos are no more. It sucks I'm on you tube alot for music so i can boycott crpapy radio and it seems anything that calls out christianity and its flaws is getting canned sad sad world when people that see the mistakes of a made up lawbringer of a book can't even vioce on it on a public net site .

  5. j'adore cette ville !

    These topics are so counsfing but this helped me get the job done.

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